Friday, August 3, 2012


Ok, a blog, here we go.  Now that I've picked a background, which is surprisingly time consuming and will likely change anyway, set my widths, and completed my profile, I think I'm ready for this trip to South America.

For those of you that need an update on logistics, I'll be in Ecuador taking intensive Spanish classes starting today, August 4th, until September 29th, whereupon I'm moving to Chile to teach English.  The teaching year is from March 1st-ish until mid-December so I'll have some time to learn the ropes and do some traveling before I'm in front of students.  Teaching English.  To Spanish-Speakers.  I think I missed the "math" box on the application form.

So anyway, if you choose to check in here from time to time, or not, or just look at the pictures (I have a new camera!), just follow your heart and I'll try to keep it relatively interesting.  I've never been big on writing lots of words so here's a picture, mostly just because I want to know how to post one.  And because this is what I hope I look like on the plane leaving in 10.5 hours.

Until Ecuador!


  1. Hey Noah,
    You are in my prayers as you begin this adventure. Have a ball, find the joy in all you will experience.

  2. GOOD LUCK NOAH!!! :) I'll be praying for you, and I'm looking forward to keeping up with your adventure!
